How to run a high performing UX audit for SaaS and Fintech

Written by Digital BIAS | Jun 19, 2024 1:09:44 PM

As part of any go-to-market strategy, auditing your current position is the number one area on which to focus. Jumping the gun and simply ripping up the current playbook, no matter how bad it may have performed, removes any capability to learn from what didn’t work.

At BIAS, we’ve delivered websites and apps for over 15 years, so I think we can say we have some authority in the space and the several awards collected along the way also show we have delivered appreciated work.

In this article, I want to focus on the Assess stage of the ARISE GTM framework, our proprietary GTM operating model and how you can run a deep-dive user experience (UX) audit for your SaaS or fintech website.

How to Run a UX Design Audit

Auditing a website's UX design performance involves a systematic evaluation of the various aspects of the user experience to identify usability issues, design flaws, and areas for improvement. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to conduct a UX design audit:

Steps to Conduct a UX Audit: A UX Audit Checklist

1. Define Objectives and Scope

When defining the objectives and scope of a UX audit for a SaaS (Software as a Service) or fintech (financial technology) product, the main goal should be to improve the customer journey and increase conversion rates. Here are some key steps to follow:

1. Understand Business Goals

Start by clearly understanding the business objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the product. For a SaaS product, this could include goals like increasing user activation, reducing churn, improving feature adoption, etc. For fintech products, common goals are increasing conversion rates for account signups, loan applications, investment transactions, etc.

2. Identify Target Users and Journeys

Define the primary target user personas and map out their key journeys within the product. This could include journeys like user onboarding, completing a financial transaction, using a specific product feature, etc. Understanding the motivations, pain points, and tasks of target users is crucial.

3. Prioritise Critical User Flows

Based on the business goals and user journeys, prioritise the most critical user flows that need to be evaluated during the audit. For example, for a SaaS product, the user onboarding and activation flows may be the highest priority. For a fintech app, the account opening and funding process may be the most important.

4. Determine Audit Scope

Clearly define what will be included in the scope of the UX audit - the specific pages, features, and user flows that will be analysed in-depth. Determine if the audit will cover just the core product experience or also evaluate areas like marketing websites, mobile apps, etc.

5. Establish Success Metrics

Set measurable targets for what success looks like for the UX audit, tied back to the core business goals identified earlier. This could include metrics like increasing activation rates by X%, reducing drop-offs in a funnel by Y%, etc.

6. Align Stakeholders

Get buy-in from all relevant stakeholders like product, engineering, marketing, etc. on the audit objectives, scope and success metrics. Their inputs are valuable in prioritising areas to focus on.

By following these steps, you can ensure the UX audit for your SaaS or fintech product is focused on the right areas that will drive business impact and improve the customer experience. The objectives and scope should be clearly documented to guide the audit process.


  • Understand Business Objectives: Begin by understanding the business goals and objectives of the website. This can be achieved through stakeholder interviews and reviewing business documentation.
  • Set Audit Goals: Clearly define what you aim to achieve with the UX audit. This could include improving conversion rates, reducing bounce rates, or enhancing user satisfaction.

2. Collect Metrics and Data

Defining the metrics and data to collect for a UX audit of SaaS and FinTech products involves a strategic approach to ensure comprehensive insights into user behaviour and experience. Start by identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with business goals, such as user retention, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction. 

Quantitative metrics should include traffic sources, page views, session duration, bounce rates, and funnel conversion rates, which can be tracked using tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar. Additionally, measure feature adoption rates, active user counts, and churn rates to understand user engagement and product stickiness. 

Qualitative data is equally important; gather user feedback through surveys, interviews, and usability testing to capture user sentiments, pain points, and satisfaction levels. Tools like UserTesting and session recordings can provide in-depth insights into user interactions and behaviours. Heatmaps and click-tracking tools help visualise user engagement and identify areas of friction

By combining these quantitative and qualitative data points, you can create a holistic view of the user experience, pinpoint critical issues, and prioritise improvements effectively.


  • Review Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics to gather quantitative data on user behaviour, such as traffic sources, page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates.
  • User Feedback: Collect qualitative data through user feedback, surveys, and customer support interactions to understand user pain points and satisfaction levels.

3. Perform Heuristic Evaluation

Performing a heuristic evaluation of your website's UX for SaaS and fintech involves a systematic review of the user interface against established usability principles to identify and address usability issues.

Start by assembling a team of UX experts who will independently evaluate the website using Jakob Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics, which include principles such as visibility of system status, match between system and the real world, user control and freedom, and error prevention. 

Each evaluator navigates through key user flows, such as user onboarding, account management, and transaction processes, documenting any usability problems they encounter. These issues are then rated based on their severity and impact on the user experience. After the independent evaluations, consolidate the findings to identify common issues and prioritise them for resolution. 

This process helps uncover critical usability problems that may hinder user satisfaction and engagement, providing actionable insights to improve the overall user experience. Tools like Heurix can facilitate this process by guiding evaluators through the heuristics and generating comprehensive reports.

To perform a heuristic evaluation of a SaaS or fintech website's user experience (UX), you can follow these steps:

1. Define Objectives and Scope

Start by clearly understanding the business goals and target users of the website. This will help you prioritise which user flows and features to focus on during the evaluation. For a SaaS product, critical flows may include user onboarding, key feature usage, account management, etc. For fintech, prioritise flows like account opening, funding, trading, etc.

2. Assemble an Evaluation Team

Heuristic evaluation works best with 3-5 evaluators who have expertise in usability principles and the domain (SaaS, fintech). If you can't find 3-5 experts, even 1-2 experienced evaluators can identify major issues.

3. Select Heuristics

While there are several sets of heuristics, Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics are most widely used and a good starting point. You can also use domain-specific heuristics - e.g. for fintech apps, include heuristics around security, compliance, etc.

4. Brief Evaluators

Provide evaluators with an overview of the product, target users, prioritised user flows, and the heuristics they should use. Allow them to explore the product freely or provide specific tasks to accomplish.

5. Independent Evaluation

Each evaluator should go through the prioritised user flows independently and identify any violations of the heuristics. They should capture screenshots, describe the issue, suggest a fix, and rate its severity.

6. Consolidate Findings

Consolidate all evaluators' findings, removing duplicates. Discuss each issue, analyse patterns, and prioritise based on severity ratings and business impact.

7. Report and Action Plan

Create a report summarising the top usability issues, evidence, recommendations, and priorities. Work with designers and developers to create an action plan to address these issues systematically.

8. Iterative Process

Heuristic evaluation should be an iterative process - conduct it again after implementing fixes to identify new issues and regressions.

Some tips specific to SaaS and fintech UX evaluation:

  • Include heuristics around information architecture navigation patterns common in these domains
  • Evaluate for different user roles (admin, regular user, etc.) and complex workflows
  • Check for accessibility, security, and regulatory compliance issues
  • Use tools like InVision, UXCam to facilitate remote, asynchronous evaluation
  • Combine with other methods like user testing, analytics review for a comprehensive UX audit

By systematically conducting heuristic evaluations, you can cost-effectively identify and fix major usability issues in your SaaS or fintech product, improving the overall user experience.


  • Heuristic Evaluation: Evaluate the website against established usability heuristics, such as Jakob Nielsen’s 10 usability heuristics. This involves checking for issues like the visibility of system status, the match between the system and the real world, user control and freedom, and error prevention.

4. Conduct Usability Testing

Conducting usability testing as part of a UX audit for SaaS and FinTech products involves several key steps to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of the user experience. First, define clear objectives and success metrics based on business goals and user needs, such as improving onboarding processes or increasing transaction completion rates. Next, recruit representative users who match the target demographics and personas of the product. 

Develop detailed test scenarios that reflect real-world tasks users would perform, such as signing up for a service, navigating the dashboard, or completing a financial transaction. Conduct both moderated and unmoderated usability tests, either remotely or in person, to observe users' interactions with the product and identify pain points, confusion, and areas of friction. 

Use tools like session recordings and heatmaps to gather quantitative data on user behaviour and complement this with qualitative insights from user interviews and feedback. Analyse the collected data to pinpoint usability issues, prioritise them based on severity and impact, and compile a comprehensive report with actionable recommendations for improvement. 

This iterative process helps ensure that the product meets user expectations and business objectives, ultimately enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.


  • Usability Testing: Conduct tests with real users to observe how they interact with the website. This can help identify usability issues that may not be apparent through heuristic evaluation alone.
  • User Session Recordings and Heatmaps: Use tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg to record user sessions and generate heatmaps, which provide insights into user behaviour and interaction patterns.

5. Evaluate Accessibility

Evaluating accessibility during a UX audit for SaaS and fintech products involves a multi-faceted approach to ensure compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and to enhance usability for all users, including those with disabilities. The process begins with a thorough product review against WCAG standards, focusing on key principles such as perceivability, operability, understandability, and robustness. 

This includes checking for issues like appropriate colour contrast, alternative text for images, keyboard navigability, and compatibility with screen readers and other assistive technologies. Automated tools like Google Lighthouse, Axe, and WAVE are used to quickly identify common accessibility barriers, while manual testing is conducted to catch issues that automated tools might miss, such as the accuracy of alternative text and the usability of interactive elements. 

Additionally, user testing with individuals who rely on assistive technologies, such as screen readers, magnifiers, and speech recognition software, is crucial. This real-world testing helps uncover practical accessibility challenges and gather valuable feedback directly from users with disabilities. The findings are then compiled into a detailed report, highlighting non-compliance areas and providing actionable remediation recommendations. 

This comprehensive evaluation ensures that the SaaS or fintech product is not only compliant with accessibility standards but also provides an inclusive and user-friendly experience for all users.


  • Accessibility Check: Ensure the website adheres to accessibility guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This includes checking for issues like colour contrast, keyboard navigation, and screen reader compatibility.

6. Analyse Findings

Analysing the findings from a UX audit for SaaS and fintech products is a crucial step in identifying areas for improvement and prioritising actionable recommendations. This process involves synthesising both quantitative and qualitative data collected through various methods, such as analytics, user testing, heuristic evaluations, and user feedback. 

First, organise the data into meaningful categories or themes, such as usability issues, navigation challenges, or conversion bottlenecks. Use affinity mapping or other data analysis techniques to uncover patterns and relationships between different findings. 

Next, prioritise the identified issues based on their severity, frequency, and impact on key business metrics like user engagement, conversion rates, or revenue. Leverage prioritisation frameworks like the MoSCoW method or impact-effort matrices to objectively assess the importance and feasibility of addressing each issue. 

Additionally, consider the unique context of SaaS and fintech products, such as regulatory compliance, security concerns, and complex user roles or workflows. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product managers, designers, and developers, to validate the findings and gather diverse perspectives. 

Finally, compile a comprehensive report that clearly communicates the prioritised issues, their impact on the user experience, and actionable recommendations for improvement, supported by data-driven insights and visualisations. This thorough analysis lays the foundation for a strategic roadmap to enhance the user experience and drive business success.


  • Data Analysis: Analyse the collected data to identify common themes and patterns. Use tools like affinity diagrams to synthesise the data and uncover insights.
  • Prioritisation: Rank the identified issues by their severity and impact on the user experience. Use a prioritisation matrix to determine which issues to address first.

7. Create a UX Audit Report

When creating a UX audit report for SaaS and fintech products, it's important to present the findings clearly and in an actionable manner. The report should be structured to highlight the key issues, prioritise them based on severity and impact, and provide specific recommendations for improvement. Here's how you can approach it:

The report should begin with an executive summary that outlines the major usability problems and overarching themes identified during the audit. This section should give stakeholders a quick overview of the critical areas that need attention. 

Next, provide a detailed analysis of the UI/UX issues categorised by themes such as navigation, user flows, content, visual design, and accessibility. Use annotated screenshots and quotes from user interviews to illustrate the problems vividly. Prioritise these issues based on their impact on the user experience and business goals.

Then, present an actionable plan to address the identified issues. For each problem, propose specific solutions, assign responsible parties, and set realistic timelines. Use a format like a checklist or a kanban board to ensure accountability and easy tracking of progress.

Finally, include a competitive analysis section that benchmarks your product's UX against industry standards and competitors, highlighting areas where you can improve to stay ahead.

When it comes to templates, Figma's community and UXTweak provide excellent UX audit report templates that you can customise to meet your needs. HubSpot also offers a detailed template to organise and present your audit insights in a structured manner.

Link to Figma template
Link to UXTweak template
Link to HubSpot template

By following this approach and leveraging industry-standard templates, you can create a comprehensive UX audit report that effectively communicates the areas for improvement and provides a roadmap for enhancing the user experience of your SaaS or FinTech product.


  • Report Findings: Compile the findings into a comprehensive report. The report should include a summary of key issues, detailed analysis, and actionable recommendations for improvement.
  • Action Plan: Develop an action plan that outlines the steps needed to address the identified issues, including timelines and responsible parties.

Tools for Conducting a UX Audit

Analytics and User Feedback

  • Google Analytics: For tracking user behaviour and conversion rates.
  • Hotjar: For heatmaps, session recordings, and user feedback.
  • Crazy Egg: For detailed behavioural analysis through heat maps, scroll maps, and confetti reports.

Usability Testing

  • UserTesting: For conducting usability tests and gathering user feedback through video and audio recordings.
  • Maze: For running usability tests and analysing user flows.

Heuristic Evaluation

  • Jakob Nielsen’s Heuristics: Use these heuristics as a guideline for evaluating usability issues.


  • WCAG Guidelines: Ensure compliance with these guidelines to make the website accessible to all users.


  • Figma: For creating detailed UX audit reports with visual elements and annotations.
  • HubSpot: For organising and presenting audit insights in a structured way.

By following these steps and utilising the appropriate tools, you can conduct a thorough UX audit to enhance your website's user experience, leading to improved user satisfaction and business performance.

Work with a UX Audit Agency

Are you looking to improve the user journey of your website? Deliver a better user experience or drive engagement? This article gives you plenty of information on auditing your current website. Tune into our recent article UX Optimisation: Google HEART Framework Experiments by Stage, to learn how to run experiments to fix an underperforming website.

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