
To this end, they should move away from WordPress and look at the HubSpot CMS, which would come with an inbuilt CRM, email marketing and chatbot functionality. A security-focused platform with multi-language capability is an ideal solution that gives complete control of the digital experience back to the company.

In addition, Lionesa had considered a membership site, and by choosing to start with the HubSpot Pro CMS, once they are comfortable with that solution, they can upgrade at any point in time to the enterprise CMS and build that functionality at a later date.

The site also includes an API integration to allow residents to check if they qualify for benefits via the Hello Card provided by Lionesa. As not all benefits require checking, we built a flexible, easy-to-use modular system allowing the team to choose which benefits apply to the check—executing a platform for future growth and development.

“Design wise the website is perfect.So we're really happy with the end result.”

-Antonio Pinto, Marketing Manager

Company Profile

Lionesa is Portugal's answer to WeWork. However, WeWork could take a lesson from Lionesa regarding professional and personal facilities. Based on Porto’s sunshine coast in easy reach of the airport and the beach, it’s a perfect blend of culture, commerce and community.

Group 104
Year relationship with organisation
Group 103
Language website; Portuguese & English
Website projects completed

The Objectives

Lionesa needed a company that could listen to their needs and requirements and give them new perspectives and opinions. It wasn’t a simple case of redesign and delivery, but dive under the lid and provide advice on how they can move forward with a future-thinking focus.

The Challenges

Lionesa had one goal: to upgrade their company website and provide a new look and feel that said big business but promoted a sense of community and inclusion. The website also had to show that Lionesa provides space for the world's leading brands but fully encompasses smaller businesses.

In addition to the workspaces, Lionesa has a curious blend of culture, art, culinary experience and roving green spaces before you get to the local beach. All of this had to come across in the design, content, and user experience.

The Approach

Whilst the original scope of work was to redesign the front end of the website, BIAS dived deeper into the mechanics of how Lionesa delivered its services to its customers.

We established that, ideally, the business would like a private customer portal, intranet, and chat features and that a CRM attached to the website would be better than managing form submissions as they currently did in WordPress.

The inbuilt SEO tools from HubSpot CMS added more weight to a call to pivot from WordPress, and we finally signed the deal when we explained that they wouldn’t need a costly ongoing support contract with us as they did again on WP.

In short, we assessed the business requirements and goals and suggested a tool to support wider business initiatives, not just an update to the look and feel.

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