
HubX mockup

HubX is now effectively set up to run a smaller sales team handling more extensive traffic and inbound enquiries. Drift is disqualifying leads, and routing leads to the incumbent sales team.

The CRO with who we worked closely on this project told us productivity was up 20% and that admin was down by 40%. 

CRM data was better enriched, and the nurturing sequences were supporting the sales teams' inbound and outbound activities.

"The difference with Paul at BIAS is that not only does he understand the what and why but he also knows the right way to deploy the tech to get the best result."

-Ray de Silva, CRO Hubx

Company Profile

HUBX transforms private placement and loan syndication deal distribution for banks and exchanges by connecting them into core systems to deliver dynamic data insights and a richer customer experience.

As capital markets and technology experts, HubX builds deal syndication tools for banks and financial institutions to embrace the platform model of tomorrow.

HubX digitises private placements and syndicated loans to deliver end-to-end execution.

Group 318-2
increase in outbound sales rep productivity
Group 320-1
decrease in manual disqualifying prospect
Group 3192
weeks to complete the migration, integration and optimisation

The Objectives

Transfer the data from Pipedrive to HubSpot.

Fully integrate the Drift conversational marketing platform into HubSpot, including workflows and CRM-to-CRM field mapping. 

Finally, to set up reporting in HubSpot that enabled the business to track deals, leads and paid marketing activities.

The Challenges

To successfully migrate HubX from Pipedrive CRM to HubSpot, integrate Drift, the conversational marketing platform and sales enablement tool. 

Then sanity-check and optimise the current chat playbooks that nurtured website traffic enquiries and routed prospects to the correct sales reps.

Finally, we had to build their performance reporting dashboard in HubSpot to conclude the process. 

The Approach

Stage One

To cleanse the Pipedrive data and the complete mapping of standard and custom fields in HubSpot to match Pipedrive and fully migrate the data.

Stage Two

Fully integrating Drift chat playbooks with goals into HubSpot to kick off email workflows and qualify web-based prospects.

Stage Three

Complete the setup of custom chat playbook reporting, including KPIs, chat performance and success over time.

What we did

A six-week project to complete the full requirement was set up. The CRM move took under two weeks, which was not the main issue. The setup of Hubspot and the integration of Drifts playbooks required more work as custom attributes in Drift and custom fields in HubSpot needed creating.

In addition to mapping and setting up fields in both platforms, breaking down the chat playbooks in Drift and applying best practices took three weeks. Once we had this down, we rebuilt part of the playbooks before ensuring the automation of completed actions kicked off HubSpot workflows.

We finalised the reporting requirements in Hubspot in two weeks.

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