
Aquant mockup

Aquant now uses a combination of Usage-Based, Free Trials, and Freemium pricing strategies. Since the product is an Analytics platform (hosted within a Dashboard app), users who give Aquant full trust by sharing their data will be allowed to view their data without supplying a credit card upon signup for an unlimited time. 

Usage-based is relevant since Aquant is limited in its data processing capacity. If the user is interested in shorter data refresh cycles and a more granular level of product analysis, the “usage” will come into play.

Freemium can also be combined since premium features require more expensive backend processes, which will be available upon upgrades.  

Company Profile

“Make service feel like magic”

Aquant is a series C SaaS that provides solutions for service companies to improve their level of service, drive revenues and reduce costs. We have dozens of customers, mostly enterprises, in various industries: Medical equipment, Foodservice, Gym equipment, Electronics and much more.

Aquant's solutions include NLP and AI analysis of their customers' service data. This type of engagement is typically heavy and, therefore, sales-led.

The Objectives

To inform the users about how Service should be measured and to use data to show them what is trending from the point of view of Workforce, Customers, Assets, and other segments in their service lifespan.

We have two motions in place for rapid, product-led engagements: Service Hero and Service Insights.

The Challenges

Users were experiencing friction when using the app, from setting up the account to understanding how the app works in general. The app can be overwhelming, and Aquant wanted to figure out what should be highlighted at the first experience to make the user experience less overwhelming.

The Approach

We identified that success for the end user looks like helping the service teams provide outstanding service experience to their clients. We then identified the customer's starting point in their user journey  and the challenges they will face before identifying key milestones along the user journey. 

Using the PLG model, we concluded that the best approach was a combination of Usage-Based Free Trials and Freemium.

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