Go To Market Workshop

The go-to-market workshop has been designed to help SaaS and Fintech platforms define or redefine their business strategy.

go to market workshop

Go to Market Workshop

The go-to-market workshop is an in-depth, week-long workshop that helps saas marketing, sales, customer success and product leaders define or redefine the go-to-market strategy.


Our certified and experienced product marketers and product-led growth experts are well-positioned to deliver a workshop that brings real value and enhances incumbent GTM processes to your business.

Workshop Structure: Go-to-Market Workshop

1. Pre-Workshop Preparation

Objective Setting

  • Define the primary goals of the workshop, such as identifying new market opportunities, refining product positioning, or developing launch strategies.

Participant Selection

  • Include a diverse group of participants from marketing, sales, product development, and customer support to ensure comprehensive insights.

Materials Preparation

  • Prepare workshop materials, including market research data, customer feedback, competitor analysis, and previous GTM strategies.

2. Workshop Agenda

Session 1: Market Analysis

  • Objective: Understand the market landscape and identify key trends and challenges.
  • Activities:
    • Presentation on current market trends and potential impacts.
    • SWOT analysis to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Session 2: Target Audience Definition

  • Objective: Define and segment the target audience based on detailed buyer personas.
  • Activities:
    • Develop detailed buyer personas, including demographic, psychographic, and behavioural traits.
    • Map out the customer journey for each persona, focusing on pain points and decision triggers.

Session 3: Value Proposition Design

  • Objective: Craft a compelling value proposition that resonates with the target audience.
  • Activities:
    • Use the Value Proposition Canvas to align product features with customer needs and pain points.
    • Group brainstorming to refine messaging and positioning statements.

Session 4: Channel and Partnership Strategy

  • Objective: Identify and prioritize the most effective distribution channels and strategic partners.
  • Activities:
    • Analyse channel effectiveness based on historical data and market trends.
    • Identify potential partners and outline the benefits of partnership for both parties.

Session 5: Experimentation and Validation

  • Objective: Plan and design experiments to validate market, product, and customer assumptions.
  • Activities:
    • Develop hypotheses for A/B testing on product features, pricing models, and marketing messages.
    • Design a pilot launch plan to test the product in a controlled environment.

Session 6: Action Plan and Roadmap

  • Objective: Develop a detailed GTM strategy and implementation roadmap.
  • Activities:
    • Assign roles and responsibilities for GTM execution.
    • Set timelines and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each phase of the launch.

3. Post-Workshop Follow-Up

Documentation and Feedback

  • Compile a comprehensive report detailing the workshop outcomes, decisions made, and action items.
  • Workshop feedback from participants.

Implementation Support

  • Schedule regular follow-up meetings to monitor progress against the GTM roadmap.
  • We provide ongoing support and resources to ensure successful strategy execution.

4. Experimentation and Continuous Improvement

Continuous Learning

  • Encourage teams to remain agile and responsive to market changes by continuously learning and adapting the GTM strategy.

Iterative Testing

  • Implement a cycle of testing and feedback to continuously improve the product and marketing strategies. Use data-driven insights to refine the approach and enhance market fit.

This GTM workshop framework is designed to be flexible and adaptable to the specific needs and circumstances of B2B technology companies. By following this structured approach, companies can enhance their market readiness and improve their chances of a successful product launch.

Please note this workshop requires advance homework and preparation.

Book your Go-To-Market Workshop

This workshop is designed to help organisations align their revenue and growth teams around a common customer or customers. 

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